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The self-care gifts your friends and family didn't know they needed!
Formerly Menstrual Relief - New Name Same Great Product Clinical Applications Helps Maintain a Healthy Menstrual Cycle Promotes Healthy Progester...
View full detailsFormerly Adrenal Calm - New Name Same Great Product Clinical Applications Strengthens the Body’s Stress Response and Improves Stress Resilien...
View full detailsClinical Applications Helps Maintain Gastrointestinal Balance Increases Secretory IgA for Enhanced Gut Immunity Supports Bowel Regularity Support...
View full detailsIn a couple of short days, all the gifts will be opened, bellies will be full, and another Christmas will be in the books. And you’ve done a ton to get ready! You’ve searched high and low for the right gifts to show...
For some, the holidays bring a much-needed respite, while for others, this season is a reminder of loss or difficulty. Regardless of where you are, know that joy is still possible. As you head into the final stretch of 2020, here are four simple...
Here are three sanity-saving tips to help you through those final shopping trips. 1. Make a plan. Create a detailed list of what you need to buy and stick to it. There’s a reason Santa makes a list each year! 😉 As...
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Dr. Maureen has helped with my fatigue, joint pain and problems losing weight. Dr. Maureen ran some tests to determine the underlying causes of my symptoms so that she could treat me more effectively. After several months of treatment, I wasn’t completely sure that everything she was doing was helping so I stopped taking the supplements she had recommended. (I don’t suggest doing this) After being off of the supplements for a few weeks, I felt terrible again! This just confirmed to me that Dr. Maureen is doing a great job for me and really knows her stuff!
The staff is great at the office! Everyone is always so friendly and quick to help with any questions I may have. Everyone treats you like family here!
Lori C.
My journey with Dr. Maureen began on May 23, 2013. I walked into her office frustrated, tired and searching for what was causing my to feel “off on the inside.” My family doctor ran several tests, many of which came back fine,” prescribed vitamin D and told me that I needed to lose weight. After embarking upon a workout regimen, eating a cleaner diet and taking vitamin D; I still was ridiculously tired and “blue” for no apparent reason. One day, I described my symptoms to a friend and she suggested that I see the naturopathic doctor, Maureen Passifiume. I trusted her so I made the appointment.
That was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Upon my initial visit, I discovered that I had the lowest iron count that Dr. Maureen had ever seen. I also discovered that there was an issue with my thyroid, ovaries and I had gluten and dairy intolerances. No wonder I felt like crap! There was once other thing that weighed on my mind – and that was having a baby at age 40. Dr. Maureen told me that once I removed the toxins from my body, I would be able to conceive.
I began to take the supplements and admittedly “stumble through” this whole gluten and dairy free diet. It was a challenge at first but then I decided ta take one thing and conquer it. I decided to fully commit to eating gluten and dairy free. Ad time went on, I began to feel so much better, lighter, less “blue” and more confident about maintaining a gluten and dairy free diet. I was ready to tackle weight loss. I was making progress and it felt great.
In early October, I was in New York City on a business trip. As I sat in the back seat of a taxi and inhaled all the smalls of the city, I began to get nauseous. That was weird. I had been to New York and ridden in a taxi plenty of times and never got sick. Then it dawned on me that my period was about a week late. When I got home that evening, I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. In disbelief, I purchased two more tests. And yes, those two were positive! I was pregnant.
My husband and I are expecting a baby boy in June and I truly believe that Dr. Maureen was instrumental in me getting pregnant. I am so thankful for having met her.
Toya S.
I’m 45 years old and started feeling like something was “off” with my body, beginning in 2015-2016. I don’t like going to the doctor, so just dealt with it for a while, hoping it would get better. I ate healthy, exercised, drank lots of water and did yoga, but it didn’t get better. The symptoms progressed to the point where my hair was falling out, skin was dry, I felt irritable and constantly fatigued, had zero libido, and was having heavy bleeding and clotting with periods every 21 days lasting 7-10 days. These symptoms wouldn’t relent, so in 2017 I decided to ask my primary care physician to run some bloodwork to see what was going on. She ran a thyroid test and regular bloodwork, and all came back within normal ranges. I didn’t know what to do, so did nothing and just lived with it. Finally in 2019 I decided to take an at-home hormone saliva test. When the results came back I was so relieved, it wasn’t all in my head after all!!! There were several abnormalities that could be causing my issues. A friend of mine told me about Dr. Maureen, so I decided to schedule a visit.
Since I started seeing Dr. Maureen in May 2019, all has significantly improved! I’ve been working with her for 7 months now, and I feel great. My symptoms are almost gone, I’m happier, have way more energy, no clotting, and my periods are almost to normal frequency, all done naturally! Thank you, Dr. Maureen, I’m so grateful for your guidance and ability to make me feel comfortable through the entire process.
Tamara T.
I love how knowledgeable Dr. Maureen is about women’s health specifically fertility and pregnancy. She has a very deep understanding of how a woman’s body works and how to have the best chances of a healthy pregnancy. She’s just a generally warm, caring person and my experiences with her helping me and my family have all been a blessing.
Liz P.
I begin my telling you this story has a happy ending. I am writing this as my beautiful, healthy, vibrant 6 month old plays next to me. However, the journey to this point has been a long one. I suppose it really begins before we were even ready for children.
I had terribly painful periods since I was 15 which were sometimes debilitating. Later in life my husband and I began trying for a family with only disappointment for the past 7 years. In the last 4 years we experience 3 heartbreaking miscarriages. All the doctors and tests kept showing I was “perfectly health” although I knew deep down there had to be a reason. So, with the amazing help of my husband we researched, found new doctors and I underwent an exploratory laparoscopy in Omaha. They found I had stage 4 endometriosis throughout my reproductive system and poly cystic ovaries. We were shocked at the video and photos by how substantial the growth had become but it finally explained so much. The surgeon then recommended a full surgery, removing the endometriosis by knife and sectioning off my ovaries to cut out the poly cystic growth.
As a Chiropractor and health practitioner I knew there had to be another option. I wanted to get to the source of this problem rather than just have it cut out. My husband and I sprang into action researching, calling on doctor friends and learning all we could to help heal my body from within and avoid such a risky surgery. Then we found Dr. Maureen! I immediately became strict about my gluten-free diet to reduce inflammation. Thanks to the support of my husband going gluten-free himself this was easier than I expected. Dr. Maureen answered so many questions through her nutritional testing and I religiously began taking many supplements specific for my thyroid, uterus, ovaries and inflammation. I was consistent with weekly adjustments, massage, acupuncture and even cut back my time in my own practice to reduce my stress.
I noticed big changes in the first few months such as my periods became consistent WITHOUT PAIN! Within 9 months of following Dr. Maureen’s nutritional program the true results were revealed. In December of 2011 I was able to have an outpatient, laser surgery for my remaining endometriosis. To my OB’s surprise he found my ovaries showed no signs of poly cystic disease, no inflammation anywhere in my reproductive organs and the endometriosis was 75% gone compared to the previous January. Dr. Parker, who has been so supportive of my holistic methods, was shocked at how little he had to remove with only the laser. He immediately asked what I have been doing and that no doctor has ever seen such internal healing in a person.
The Standard Process formula’s and Dr. Maureen’s expert skills in the field of fertility have absolutely changed my life. Not only has this testing restored my body to have a beautiful baby but more importantly has allowed health on a cellular level so my daughter will have a healthier start to her future.
Heather W.
Dr. Maureen is very sweet, understanding and is very informative. She truly cares about her patients . She listens to what you have to say. I believe she can help me after years of struggling with hormone issue. I highly recommend her!!!!!!!!
Jennifer L.