Holiday Shopping: 3 Tips to Save Your Sanity
Here are three sanity-saving tips to help you through those final shopping trips.
1. Make a plan.
Create a detailed list of what you need to buy and stick to it. There’s a reason Santa makes a list each year! 😉
As well, maintaining a list keeps you from having to store it all in your head and helps to make your holiday shopping trips run more smoothly. So, whenever you’re out and about, be sure to have your list with you – and check it twice!
2. Support small businesses in your community.
Small businesses have been hit especially hard this year so consider giving your local economy a little boost by patronizing local stores. Many of these businesses carry unique items that might be the perfect gift for someone who is otherwise difficult to shop for!
Shopping locally also means you can get your gifts instantly and bypass shipping delays – a definite stress saver!
Here are some sources that’ll help you spot your local businesses.
3. Consider curbside pick-up.
This combines the best of both worlds – buy your gifts online and then pick them up at the store. With curbside pick-up, you can avoid the crowds, reduce impulse shopping, and avoid shipping costs – an added benefit to your wallet!
Christmas shopping doesn’t have to leave you feeling like a Grinch. Consider one of the above ideas to help you conquer your last-minute errands so you can relax and enjoy every part of this wonderful holiday season!
Dr. Maureen Passifiume
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