Tips for Turkey Day
The Thanksgiving holiday is tomorrow! Can you even believe it???
With an abundance of delicious food (and even more sugar), Thanksgiving can be a challenge to navigate if you’re not mentally and emotionally prepared. So, here are four quick tips to help you make this Turkey Day a healthy one!
Load up on the foods you know are safe. It’s hard to say no to a sweet treat or comfort food when you’re hungry. Instead, consciously fill your plate with the healthiest options available. Once you’ve finished, if you decide to indulge in a sweet something, no problem. Better to save a few bites of marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes for last, rather than having a full serving to start with.
Keep moving. Instead of just sitting around after you eat or making a few passes by the table full of leftovers as the evening wears on, put on your tennis and go for a walk. Even if it’s chilly, the outdoor air will energize you and the brief exercise will increase your metabolism.
Add a few more veggies. If you are doing any of the holiday cooking, get creative and add some nutrient-rich veggies to your meals. But be sneaky about it! You can add pureed cauliflower to mashed potatoes or toss some pieces of butternut squash into your stuffing.
Watch your stress levels. Family gatherings can be stressful, both mentally and physically. In order to keep you from reaching for the sweets to compensate for your stress, take a minute…..slow down…..pause….. breathe….. and do something for YOU! Because your health and your body deserve it!
Ditch the stress, drop any expectations of being ‘perfect’ and just enjoy the holidays!
Dr. Maureen Passifiume
Call Us Today At (614) 905-6557